PTC Basic Library for WildFire 基础零件库


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  • 行业分类:机械设备
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PTC Basic Library for WildFire 基础零件库
软件简介—SoftWare Description: PTC Basic Library for WildFire 基础零件库

PTC 推出的基本�Y料�欤���於提高 ENGINEER WILDFIRE工作效率有�O大的�椭�,而�@些�Y料�觳坏�是你最需要的也是最常用的,所以如果你使用 PTC WILDFIRE(野火) ,那我�衲阕詈�碛幸惶住5�需要先安�b PTCWILDFIRE (PTC031:PTC PRO ENGINEERWILDFIREDATECODE 2002490) We’re extremely proud to announce the imminent debut of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, the next release of Pro/ENGINEER. It’s what you’ve wanted from a product development software. You asked for increased user and organization productivity and we’ve taken your requests to task with over 400 enhancements to the legendary power of Pro/ENGINEER. You’ll see an improved user interface and an intuitive workflow. And we’ve taken Web connectivity much further than simply embedding a browser into Pro/ENGINEER. The Wildfire release allows you to connect with Windchill applications over the Internet for true design sharing, both with real-time connectivity as well as accessing product information as it resides on the Internet (or your Intranet). For existing users, migration will be a breeze, we promise, with features like Menu Mapper for "old to new" commands and a wealth of help tools. In fact, we’ve made sure that Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire is easier to use than ever.

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