SOLIDWORKS 2008 Office Premium SP0.0


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SOLIDWORKS 2008 Office Premium SP0.0
软件简介—SoftWare Description: SOLIDWORKS 2008 Office Premium SP0.0 简体中文完整版

2007年8月22日 中国 北京讯– SolidWorks Corporation 今天推出了SolidWorksreg; 2008,其著名 3D CAD 软件的最新版本。
SolidWorks 2008 基于公司突破性的 SolidWorks 智能特性技术 (SWIFT),提供了全新直观而又快捷的用户界面 (UI) 和绚丽的 3D 图形,加速了更优秀的产品的设计过程,与其他任何一款 CAD 软件相比,提供了更多的高级设计分析功能。
  SolidWorks 2008 新增了 250 个用户请求的增强功能,用户现在无需过多关心软件的使用问题,而是能全身心地投入解决设计问题;新版本可利用已有的设计节省时间并保证精度。它可在前期提供质量和可制造性反馈,从而帮助用户改进设计。
  “SolidWorks 2008 用户界面非常简洁,感觉更加直观,”俄克拉何马塔尔萨市 Executive Aircraft Completions 内装工程师、测试版用户 Josh A. Mings 说道,“您的工作会变得更加高效,因为除了菜单选项外,您还可以在模型上面、里面和周围工作。文档间的切换也变得更为有效,因为您在实际切换前就可以看到要切换的文件。您使用的时间越久,SolidWorks 2008 就越容易上手。”
  专注于设计,而非 CAD
  SolidWorks 2008 拥有大量的新功能,可让用户全身心专注于设计本身。
  首先是新用户体验。直观的工作流能根据用户所采用的特定任务环境预测所需的工作,并为之准备好工具。界面在窗口中增加了实用资源,减少了鼠标移动,其中还提供了创新的自定义选项和基于命令的选择。这些特性使得 SolidWorks 成为了 3D CAD 系统中最易使用的软件,可让用户专注于设计本身,最大程度地减少了用户的分心。

  SWIFT Instant3D,这是基于 SWIFT 框架的多种独特新功能中的一种,用户直接在模型上控制拖动控标便可轻松地创建和修改 3D 模型特征。这一新功能使用户无需处理其他 CAD 系统所需的晦涩命令、对话框和大量数据输入。用户可利用“现场剖切”功能,在查看模型切片时通过拖拉边缘进行编辑。
SWIFT DimXpert 能自动设置零件上的几何尺寸和容差,节省了时间并提供了所有设计组所需的专业信息。它能提供可视化反馈,用户可从中了解模型描述是否正确、是否可用于生产。DimXpert 符合 ASME Y14.41-2003 3D 规范,能自动在 2D 图纸上创建视图、尺寸和容差,制作完整的设计文档。
  “SolidWorks 协同 SWIFT,前途将一片光明,”业界分析公司 International Data Corporation (IDC) 的产品、项目和产品组合管理计划的主管 Gisela Wilson 说道,“新版本再次增强了设计功能,同时又没有加重用户的负担,用户不需要经历额外的繁杂学习过程。SWIFT 和 SolidWorks 2008 使设计组能在上市时间、成本控制、用户体验质量和最终产品质量等方面获得与以往不同的体验。”
  SolidWorks 2008 具有独特的工作方法,在用户继续实施最佳做法的同时,还可重构现有的设计部分,从而更好更快地设计产品。
  Design Clipart 功能,用户可用它搜索文件系统,查找现有设计中的草图、表格、图像、特征、视图或 DWG 块。一旦找到,Design Clipart 就可以解剖目标文件,用户可轻松地将项目拖放到新设计中。Design Clipart 功能帮助工程师节省下每天花费在搜索已完成设计上的时间。Design Clipart 允许快速访问 DWG 的所有部分,无需转换,进一步提升了 SolidWorks 重用 AutoCADreg; 数据的这一领先地位。

  SolidWorks 2008 除了支持本地 DWG 块外,引用的 DWG 块在更改时会提醒用户。用户只需右键单击这些 DWG 块就可在 DWGeditor 中进行本地编辑——这是在新型 3D 设计中利用 DWG 数据的一种自然、高效的工作流。
设计组可利用 DWGnavigator 新功能,首次实现了从 SolidWorks 桌面管理所有 2D 文件。DWGnavigator 允许用户执行强大的特定于 DWG 的搜索功能、查找参考资料、查看文件并将文件打包以便共享。用户可以将自己的文件保存为 AutoCAD 和 AutoCAD LT 软件的不同版本,以实现不匹配版本之间的互操作。
  另一独特功能 DriveWorksXpress 能根据预先定义的设计规则自动创建自定义零件、装配体和图纸,帮助公司快速经济地响应每位客户的特殊要求。
  SolidWorks 2008 为设计组准备了强大的新工具,帮助制作精确、完整而又高质的设计,并在第一次就可投入生产。
  例如,COSMOSWorksreg; Design Insight 能显示承载作用载荷的 CAD 模型的那些部分,设计师能轻松判断是否需要添加材料,加大强度,或减少材料,避免代价高昂的过度工程。DFMXpress,SolidWorks 另一独特的功能,帮助实现“可制造性设计”,自动标记有难度、昂贵的或对机器来说不可能的元件,如 90 度磨角,以便避免一些代价高昂的低级设计错误。

TolAnalyst 是自动化容差层迭工具,帮助公司避免隐藏的潜在装配与功能问题,这些问题来自装配体中的制造容差差异。TolAnalyst 帮助识别最关键的容差,允许用户收紧或放松任何容差,避免功能性问题或代价昂贵的过度工程。使用 TolAnalyst,就可以摆脱单调乏味、易于出错的手工计算,增加用户对自身设计的信心,使产品在第一次就能正常工作。
  “设计师整天都要使用 SolidWorks 创建产品,所以软件对设计来说必须高效实用,”SolidWorks CEO Jeff Ray 说道,“SolidWorks 2008 除了提供强大而独特的功能外,还带来智能的用户体验,能与设计师的工作流自然吻合,允许设计师将精力集中于创新上——这也是设计师和我们的首要目标。”

::::::English Description::::::

SolidWorks 2008 SP0 has over 250 customer driven enhancements that make transitioning to 3D easier and faster than ever. 

Focus on design, not CAD

Streamlined User Interface

The SolidWorks interface has been improved to decrease mouse travel and increase the screen real estate available for design. A new CommandManager layout, embedded view display menus, and customizable pop-up toolbars increase efficiency and workflow. Getting to commonly used commands and customizing the layout will be easier than ever and will benefit new and existing users alike.

SWIFT Instant3D

Prior to SolidWorks SWIFT technology, users were forced to spend significant time mastering the system to recognize the benefits of 3D CAD. SWIFT lets any SolidWorks user realize the benefits of 3D CAD without having to learn special techniques. In SolidWorks 2008, Instant3D helps any user design like an expert by providing them with onscreen real-time editing of their designs. Instant3D provides a new level of design visualization while dramatically reducing the steps needed to complete design tasks. New drag handles are presented as a user selects an area of design that allow for real-time editing and creation of designs. There are no dialogs or input fields, users simply select faces, drag, and snap them to onscreen rulers to get exact values. Instant3D really lets the user focus on their designs, not the CAD system.

SWIFT DimXpert

DimXpert allows a user to automatically dimension 3D models for manufacturing. DimXpert looks at a design for manufacturing features and applies the appropriate dimensioning schemes. Users get feedback as to whether the design is completely dimensioned for manufacturing. DimXpert also allows users to automate the process of complete and accurate 2D drawing creation. The DimXpert supports geometric dimensions and tolerances according to the ASME Y14.41-2003 3D specification.

Large Assembly Management Tools

SolidWorks 2008 allows users to work with large assemblies faster than ever with a new set of high-powered tools for large assembly management. New tools allow you to simplify assemblies without the need for configurations and regardless of the assembly structure. New Quick View/Selective Open functionality allows users to quickly view large assemblies and then, on-the-fly, select components to work without having to load unnecessary components in to memory. Additional components can be accessed at anytime with a simple right mouse button selection.

Reuse existing designs to save time

Design Clipart

SolidWorks Search will locate any SolidWorks or DWG file whether in the Design Library, on the network, in PDMWorks, or in 3D ContentCentral on the web. This search is not just filename based, but also searchable in metadata (like notes in drawings or custom properties). Bottom line -- users find what they are looking for the first time. New in SolidWorks 2008, Design Clipart allows users to reuse views, blocks, tables, and even images from AutoCAD files as well as sketches and features from SolidWorks parts and assemblies. Design Clipart automatically dissects AutoCAD and SolidWorks files and extracts data so it is reusable in new SolidWorks designs. Users no longer have to spend time setting up libraries for reuse. The ability to automatically extract portions of existing DWG data will help 2D users leverage their designs in SolidWorks more efficiently than ever.


DriveWorksXpress allows SolidWorks users to automate repetitive design tasks and free up valuable time that can then be refocused on high value activities like designing great products. DriveWorksXpress is a design automation tool that automatically generates parts, assemblies and drawings. It allows a company to capture knowledge and design best practices that can then be used to create new products and product variants. With DriveWorksXpress users simply enter design variables and let the software generate the required models and drawings over and over again.

Improve your designs


TolAnalyst is a tolerance analysis tool that determines the effect that tolerances have on parts and assemblies. TolAnalyst allows users to perform worst case tolerance stack up analysis on parts and assemblies by informing the user which tolerances contribute the most to potential design failure. Tolerances that do not impact the design goal can be loosened to lower the manufacturing cost. TolAnalyst helps ensure that designs meet proper fit and function requirements while lowering costs.


DFMXpress is an up front validation tool used to identify geometry that is difficult, expensive, or impossible to manufacture by conventional machining operations. DFMXpress can help reduce the time it takes to consult with manufacturing specialists by identifying to the designer geometry that may contribute significantly to manufacturing problems.

COSMOSWorks Design Insight

COSMOSWorks Design Insight allows the user to easily identify the areas of a design that contribute most to structural integrity. Once these critical areas are identified, the designer can make informed decisions with respect to removing unnecessary material or exploring other design alternatives. Design Insight is an intuitive way to identify over-engineering and reduce material costs in product designs.

SolidWorks MotionManager

The new MotionManager consolidates Dynamic Assembly Motion, Physical Simulation, Animation, and COSMOSMotion into a single, easy-to-use interface. The new MotionManager has a key frame-based timeline and controls motors, gravity, and springs based on time. With a single setup, users can now see how an assembly moves and how components interact, create presentations, and obtain component velocities and accelerations for validation purposes.

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