Raindrop GeoMagic Studio 8.0


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:203
  • 行业分类:机械设备
软件大小: 未知

Raindrop GeoMagic Studio 8.0
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Raindrop GeoMagic Studio 8.0 逆向工程

将实物零部件转化为可制造的数字模型的唯一全面的解决方案 Geomagic Studio 可根据任何实物零部件自动生成准确的数字模型。作为全球首选的自动化逆向工程软件,Geomagic Studio 还为新兴应用提供了理想的选择,如定制设备大批量生产、即定即造的生产模式以及原始零部件的自动重造。只有 Geomagic Studio 具有下述所有特点: 确保完美无缺的多边形和 NURBS 模型 处理复杂形状或自由曲面形状时,生产率比传统 CAD 软件提高十倍 自动化特征和简化的工作流程可缩短培训时间,并使用户可以免于执行单调乏味、劳动强度大的任务 可与所有主要的三维扫描设备和 CAD/CAM 软件进行集成 能够作为一个独立的应用程序运用于快速制造,或者作为对 CAD 软件的补充 这就难怪世界各地有 3,000 人以上的专业人士使用 Geomagic 技术定制产品、 促使流程自动化以及提高生产能力。
::::::English Description::::::

Geomagic Studio automatically generates an accurate digital model from any physical part. The world’s #1 software for automated reverse engineering, Geomagic Studio is also ideal for emerging applications such as mass production of customized devices, build-to-order manufacturing, and automatic re-creation of legacy parts. Only Geomagic Studio delivers all of this:

Patented algorithms for automatic surfacing that speed patch layout and improve surface quality for complex CAD models.
Ten-fold productivity increases over traditional CAD software when processing complex or free-form shapes.
Automated features and simplified workflow that reduce training time and increase user satisfaction by eliminating tedious, labor-intensive tasks.
Integration with all major 3D scanner and CAD/CAM software.
Ability to work as a stand-alone application for rapid manufacturing or as a complement to CAD software.
Surface- and curve-fitting algorithms certified at highest levels by PTB.
Geomagic Studio comes with built-in intelligence that delivers the technology you need in a way that works for you. More than 3,000 professionals in industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical devices and consumer products leverage Geomagic Studio for unprecedented time savings, fast learning curves, increased productivity, and high levels of user satisfaction.

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