Think3 ThinkiD DesignXpressions 2007.1


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  • 浏览次数:203
  • 行业分类:机械设备
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Think3 ThinkiD DesignXpressions 2007.1
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Think3 ThinkiD DesignXpressions 2007.1 工业设计工具

Think3 ThinkID DesignXpressions 2007.1(最新第一版),最新发行,还包括Think3 Thinkdesign 2007.1,强大的工业品创意设计工具!


Think3 ThinkID DesignXpressions 2007.1,最新发行,强大的工业品创意设计工具!与Think3 thinkdesign一样,颠覆传统CAD, 你可以自由发挥你的创造力和想象力从事流行的超现代造型设计。thinkiD软件更可作为下一代工业设计的前沿软件的强大竞争者。

Think3:ThinkID DesignXpressions 2007.1
think3, 创新, 下一代工业设计工具,"这主要产品推广提供突破技术, 象ZoneModeling, 将改变设计过程如同我们知道它, 并且reinforcesour 产品承诺的焦点和水平对工业设计市场的," 副总统说丹?迈尔, 全世界行销的在think3 。"thinkiD 的先进的三维坚实和曲面造型能力改进进一步我们的顾客的产品美学、产品质量和生产周期。"

用"区域塑造," 独家新闻对thinkiD, 设计师可能使创造性, 精确和详细的修改作为一个坚实特点对任一形状, 当地或进口。设计师能创造地方化的"freeform" 修改当在一个基于历史的, 固体模型里面。新在thinkiD, 用户能创造参数"被称呼的" 内圆角以对结果形状的完全控制为高度审美和精确转折。另外, 聪明的对象, 能适应的零件图书馆, 允许用户夺取, 重复利用和设计的份额全部或部份, 可能是延长的入公司定制的图书馆。

thinkiD DesignXpressions 系列, 被预览在MICAD, 为产品设计的主导的欧洲论坛, 生产和生命周期管理, 介绍一个完全地另外方式考虑工业设计。

thinkiD DesignXpressions 交付在诺言"目标驾驶设计," 一种根本地新方法到解救设计师从传统计算机为主的系统技术限制的工业设计。

DesignXpressions 改进设计过程和刮百分之70-90 产品周期由自动地翻译设计入manufacturable 产品。

结果是不仅更好的工业设计而且结实成本节省和竞争优势在产业的范围, 从汽车对消费品, 时间对市场对成功至关重要。

"表面和固体的预先的世代塑造工具采取了’ Lego ’ 方法对设计, 介入基本的套积木装配是困难的, 如果不不可能的形状, 修改对应于设计师的视觉和意向," 乔说Costello 、think3 的总统和CEO 。

"thinkiD DesignXpressions 是类似于sculpting 工具!

::::::English Description::::::

thinkiD DesignXpressions is a solution that already has an excellent reputation in the field of industrial design. However, the new version also includes a series of enhancements to its revolutionary Target Driven Design approach, allowing those designers that prefer to focus on the practicality of products to express their creativity more freely..

Main news of version 2007.

The innovative solution of think3 continue to be a point of reference for the technology in the sector of the industrial design. It is possible to take advantage of this new functionalities now:

Rake Sweep. This is the first result of the wider Touch and Design  project which will make it possible to work with a virtual scraper tool. This command allows a designer to create High Quality surfaces by simulating the movement of a real tool. Unique in its field, it is dedicated to designers working with Class-A forms..

Double Fillet. Significant improvements have been made to this command, which can fillet groups of surfaces and automatically propagate the fillet to tangential surfaces.
Blendig. In addition to connecting complex series of surfaces, now also curves or existing surfaces can be selected and “snapped” correctly to the existing geometry, thus generating the best continuity result.
Free–hand curves on surfaces (I-Interact add on). This new tool makes it possible to draw one or more curves rapidly and easily on selected surfaces or on the faces of solids. It will be welcomed in all those cases where it is necessary to “draw” shapes on existing forms.
Global Shape Modeling. The Global Shape Modeling (GSM) and Zone Modeling commands now perform a point check for any form of incompatibility on restraints that need to be made to correspond, thus saving operator time and speeding up the modification process.
Set back for Fillet. It is now possible to manipulate dynamically the starting points of fillets created on three or more edges that meet at a vertex. By entering a “Set Back” value it is possible to vary the distance between the shared vertex and the border of the fillet along each edge. With this option the designer can “model” the fillet so that it satisfies not only functional but also esthetic requirements.
thinkcompensator. This solution, which revolutionizes the calculation of compensation due to the “spring-back effect” in sheet metal forming - and any deforming process caused by manufacturing - has an optimized calculation engine. It can manage meshes with different densities, allowing an automated loop to be effected with the FEA analysis solution.

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