Planit Fusion v12 (装修设计):


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:355
  • 行业分类:工程建材
软件大小: 未知

Planit Fusion v12 (装修设计):

Planit Fusion,先进的厨房,浴室,橱柜设计软件,它将设计功能与销售管理功能整合在一起,适用对象包括设计者经销商和销售人员。

Fusion, the latest generation of our industry-leading program, combines innovative design features with essential sales management tools to provide total support for your business, whether it's kitchens, baths or closets. Targeted for dealers, designers and retailers, Fusion provides superior graphical presentations and integrated front-end and ordering systems.

Planit Fusion is the most innovative design and sales package available to the professional kitchen, bath and closet designer. The latest release of our industry-leading program combines advanced design software with effective sales management tools to give you total support for your business.

Complete ease of use
Every aspect of Planit Fusion has been designed for ease of use, giving you a simple way to make complex designs quickly and accurately. Our unique automated features save time on tedious tasks, making room planning easier than ever before.

Planit Fusion software has been carefully developed to gain full Microsoft Partner status, making Planit the only Microsoft Certified Partner in the industry. To you, this means quality, reliability and the reassurance that you will be working in a familiar Windows environment. This, combined with our leading PlanitCare support services, will ensure you can use our software to its full potential in the quickest possible time.

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