Sandia Software Cadrail v8.02 (道路设计软件)


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:147140
  • 行业分类:工程建材
软件大小: 未知

Sandia Software Cadrail v8.02 (道路设计软件)
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Sandia Software Cadrail v8.02 (道路设计软件)

Cadrail是一款适用于新手以及高级用户的道路设计软件,通过本软件你可以自由的画出铁路、建筑等任何你想画出的东西。 Cadrail has all the extra features that will satisfy advanced users. Beginners can pick it up quickly and grow into the harder parts of railroad design. You get a rock solid, all around drawing tool for all your drawing needs. Design railroad layouts, buildings, bench work, schematics or anything else you need. Sample Drawings Demo This is a powerful CAD program with many different railroad design tools. You can create track plans of any size and shape. There are easy to use drag and drop tools that allow you to snap track sections together end-to-end and align them automatically. Flexible CAD tools let you create complex shapes that your train will run on and that you can build. Plan, Profile, and 3d views let you add elevations to your drawing so you can see things from any angle. Auto Alignment tools make it easy to snap together complex figures and shapes. Just drop one object onto another and the ends automatically come together. All of the CAD drawings you see on this web site were made with Cadrail. Its not just for track! Turnout Objects (Switches) make working with yards and other complex shapes easy. Just drag and drop in a turnout. Cadrail automatically rotates it into position and cleans up any connections. An extensive set of tools is available for complex combinations of yard ladders, sidings and crossovers.

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