BuildersCAD 9.1 (专业建筑CAD设计):


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  • 浏览次数:377
  • 行业分类:工程建材
软件大小: 未知

BuildersCAD 9.1 (专业建筑CAD设计):
BuildersCAD - 为建筑师,建设者和住宅设计者而研制的专业计算机辅助设计系统.这是目前最强大的建筑CAD设计系统,主要解决设计和生产民宅.使用方便灵活,能帮助你更快,更巧妙,更精确地完成设计工作.
professional cad system developed for architects,builders and residential designers
builderscAD is the most powerful,focused CAD solution available today for designing and producing residential is user-friendly and flexible,helping you to work smarter and faster with greater accuracy best of all-it is only a fraction of the cost of other CAD systems.

BuildersCAD 9.1 is the fastest, easiest BuildersCAD release ever. It is packed with new features that help you create, design and produce more quickly. BuildersCAD helps you get the job done.
Long File Names
Longer file names are allowed in BuildersCAD 9.1, which allows more flexibility in naming, particularly for repeated items.
Dynamic View
Six new Dynamic Viewing commands have been added to increase functionality in creating and viewing 3D models. These include Orbit, Z Axis Spin, Walk, Swivel, Pan, and Zoom.
BuildersCAD 9.1 supports rendering using the OpenGL rendering engine. This allows you to construct and view your 3D model fully rendered in real time. The OpenGL display functions include Opaque, Edge Highlight, Wire Frame, and Hidden Line.
Textures may now be assigned to 3D surfaces in your BuildersCAD model for rendering. These textures are compatible with SketchUp so textures assigned in SketchUp and imported will render in BuildersCAD.
Windows Menu Bar
BuildersCAD 9.1 now has a standard Windows Menu Bar across the top of the BuildersCAD window. This bar allows quick access for selection of many of the functions of BuildersCAD from a standard MS Windows interface.
Multi-Layer Repeated Items
BuildersCAD 9.1 now supports Multi-Layer Repeated Items, which allow a single Repeated Item to display geometry which can be turned on and off with one or more layers.

The BuildersCAD 9.1 window and menu system may be adjusted for wide screen monitors, and the menu system may be adjusted for size to allow more drawing space on wide screen and high resolution monitors.
BuildersCAD 9.1 will now plot directly to a raster file. Plotting to .pdf has been enhanced to allow plotting single layers or groups of layers to a different page within the .pdf. Plotting to .pdf in general has been enhanced.
Authorization codes for BuildersCAD 9.1 are now entered in the new Internal Authorization Manager to make the authorization process much simpler.
Environment Defaults and Preferences
The BuildersCAD 9.1 Preferences menu has been enhanced to regroup similar settings and add new ones. There is a new Environment Defaults Manager menu to make setting up basic environment defaults much easier.

The new BuildersCAD Paint feature is designed to provide tools to highlight, colorize, or mark up your BuildersCAD drawing.
Bug Fixes
Several bugs in BuildersCAD and the Framer have been addressed.

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