Rocscience RocData 3.015 强度包络线分析


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:516
  • 行业分类:石油化工
软件大小: 未知

Rocscience RocData 3.015 强度包络线分析
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Rocscience RocData 3.015 强度包络线分析

RocData这款Windows程序可以通过分析三维或直接的切变强度数据为岩石和土壤确定不同的线性和非线性强度包络线的参数。RocData组合了在地质工程师广泛采用的四个强度模型(Generalized Hoek-Brown, Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis和Power Curve failure标准)。 RocData is a versatile toolkit for the analysis of rock and soil strength data, and the determination of strength envelopes and other physical parameters. RocData now includes RocProp, a database of intact rock properties which runs as a standalone application. RocData can be used to determine the parameters of linear and non-linear strength envelopes for rock and soil, based on the analysis of triaxial or direct shear strength data. RocData utilizes four of the most widely used strength models in geotechnical engineering - Generalized Hoek-Brown, Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis and Power Curve. Failure envelopes are plotted in both shear-normal and principal stress space. Shear-normal stress envelopes generated by RocData can be applied to problems such as limit equilibrium analysis of slope stability, while the principal stress envelopes can be used for modeling the behaviour of underground excavations. RocData is a highly interactive program that allows users to easily test different strength parameters and observe how they impact a failure envelope, giving users a better understanding of material strength. The material strength properties determined by RocData can be used as input for numerical analysis programs such as Phase2 (finite element stress analysis and support design for excavations) and Slide (limit equilibrium slope stability analysis). RocData now includes RocProp , a database of intact rock properties which runs as a standalone application. RocProp contains over 700 test records from credible sources, including compressive strength, tensile strength, elastic properties, Hoek parameters and velocity parameters. The database can be searched and filtered in various ways, and allows users to add their own data to the database.

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