Global Mapper 8.02


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:368
  • 行业分类:石油化工
软件大小: 未知

Global Mapper 8.02
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Global Mapper 8.02 查看和打印地图图形文件

Global Mapper 是一个可以查看和打印各类地图图形文件的软件,可以利用全球情报系统(GIS) 信息资源! 浏览、合成、输入、输出大部分流行的扫描点阵图、等高线、矢量数据集的软件,它可以编辑、转换、打印各类地图图形文件,可以利用全球情报系统(GIS) 信息资源。它可以转换数据集的投影方式以符合你的项目的座标系统,并可以同时对数据集的范围进行裁剪。它还提供距离和面积计算,光栅混合、对比度调节、海拔高度查询、视线计算,以及一些高级功能,如图像校正、通过地表数据进行轮廓生成、通过地表数据观察分水岭、对3Dpoint数据转换为三角多边形和网格化等。通过内建的脚本语言或众多的批处理转换选项能够高效地完成重复性任务。 Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the most popular raster, elevation, and vector datasets. It converts, edits, prints, tracks GPS, and allows you to utilize GIS functionality on your datasets in one low cost and easy to use software package. Global Mapper also includes the ability to directly access the entire TerraServer database of USGS satellite imagery and topographic maps free of charge and to view elevation data in true 3D with any loaded raster imagery and vector data draped on top of it! Your data files can be loaded as layers, for example a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be loaded with a scanned topographical map to create a 3D view of the map. A digital aerial image can be draped on the surface together with vector contour mapping to create a stunning and informative graphic. The results can be printed, or the workspace can be exported to a high resolution raster image for use in a presentation or report.

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