

  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:368
  • 行业分类:石油化工
软件大小: 未知

Geocap 为一地理信息系统的多功能建模和显示的工具库, 主要用于石油及天然气勘探行业.

GeoCap AS provides software and services for the oil and gas industry and hydrographic institutions. Our main software product is Geocap, a modern 2D/3D mapping and modeling program. It can also be used for rapid application development (RAD) of user solutions and general visualization. The software includes seismic interpretation, surface modeling of seismic lines including faults and wells, depth conversion, volumetrics, handling reservoir simulation data, sophisticated mapping and high quality cartographic plotting.

The Geocap software is used for mapping and modeling of surface structures like reservoir horizons and seabed and continental shelf structures. Input to modeling can be seismic and sonar data in combination with interpretation and grids made in Geocap or other systems. Geocap supports well data and faults, or in general any surface information. Having modeled the structures, a lot of calculations can be performed: volumetrics, drainage areas, attribute maps, extremal values, cross sections and much more. The system is frequently used in large-scale studies in concession rounds or seabed and continental shelf studies.

Rapid Application Development
Geocap encourages the user to build proprietary applications using the Geocap scripting language. The scripts are programmed in Tcl and allows you to programmatically manipulate the Geocap data model and interface.

Geocap is split into plugins. Buy and use only the plugins that you need. The following are available:

GeocapMain: The core application into which other plugins are loaded. Includes 2D Seismic and interpretation + 2D SEG-Y import and export, plotting, geodesy, gridding, volumetics, drainage, wells⊤s, geo-presenter tools & work-flows.
Oil and Gas: The core plugin for work related to E&P. Includes cross-sections, statistical tool kit, and more.
UNCLOS Article 76 Toolbox: Shelf analysis, foot of slope determination, boundary determination, law of the sea, cross-section profiles.
3D Seismics: 3D seismic import/export and visualization.
Image georeferencing: Calibration of vertical cross sections (imported images).
PDF3D: Direct PDF export in 3D.
Prospect Analysis: Prospect Analysis and statistical calculations (Monte Carlo).
Seismic Depth Conversion: Depth conversion of 2D and 3D seismic based on stacking velocities.
Depth Conversion: Velocity loading, cube generation, correlation to wells, and depth conversion of surfaces and points/lines.

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