pipenet.v1.21 管网流体分析软件


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:517
  • 行业分类:石油化工
软件大小: 未知

pipenet.v1.21 管网流体分析软件
英国SUNRISE SYSTEMS LIMITED 自1985年创立以来,一直致力于管网内流体计算与分析软件的研究和开发。其系列产品 PIPENET 广泛服务于石油、天然气、造船、化工以及电力工业等领域。在世界各地拥有超过1500个用户。其中包括 ABB、Bechtel、BP、Exxon、Hitachi、Hyundai、Mitsubishi、Mobil、Shell、Samsung、Technip等诸多知名的跨国公司。进入中国市场三年来,已有多家公司和企业成为PIPENET的用户,如中国海洋石油总公司研究中心,中国石油化工总公司的上海金山工程公司和中国电力总公司的数家设计单位(西北、东北、华东、华北、广东电力设计院等等)。 
     SUNRISE SYSTEMS LTD位于拥有浓郁学术氛围的剑桥,其产品PIPENET源于剑桥大学的研究成果。自70年代末第一套产品为工业界接受后,经SUNRISE SYSTEMS LTD的不断努力和开拓,PIPENET现已成为英国及许多国家的标准设计软件,其国际市场的领先地位日益加强。SUNRISE SYSTEMS LTD非常重视中国市场,所聘的员工在中国已有多年的设计工作经验,可提供强有力的技术支持。SUNRISE SYSTEMS LTD愿与各方合作为双方的共同利益进一步开发中国市场。
      PIPENET系列产品包括Standard Module、Spray/Sprinkler Module和Transient Module。用户可根据其需要选择不同的软件或优惠的套装。虽然上述软件的应用背景、适用条件和设计标准各不相同,但是用户界面却大同小异,不同软件的原始输入数据可实现相互转换,内置及可扩展的资料库,在线帮助,错误预检,强大的快捷键和编辑功能,都极大地方便了客户的使用。
      PIPENET Standard Module拥有广泛的工业用途,可解决稳态工况下流体(液体,气体,蒸汽)的水力计算问题,其中包括流体分布和阻力的计算、管道(或风道)和设备(泵、阀门、孔板等等)的选型和优化、异常工况(管道堵、漏和破裂)的模拟等等。
      PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler Module是专门针对消防系统开发设计而开发的专业软件,可选用的消防规范包括NFPA和FOC。它可满足诸如石油、化工、钻井平台、电站及船只等行业对消防系统的严格且特殊的设计要求。
      PIPENET Transient Module可模拟由于设备启停、阀门操作等因素造成的管网内流场瞬息变化。计算系统压力和流量的波动,预知水击或气锤,验证系统对动态工况的响应性,甚至可检验控制系统在瞬态情况下是否会控制失效,最终达到快速、准确、高效、安全的建设目标。

What is PIPENET?
PIPENET is a powerful software tool for rapid flow analysis of pipe and duct networks. Three modules ensure that, no matter how extensive or complex your network, PIPENET will perform.
Why use PIPENET? 

PIPENET sets the standard – leads the way in flow analysis – the best!  
PIPENET starts at the design phase. It performs pipe sizing and pump selection calculations in the steady state. From there it goes all the way to computing hydraulic loads for pipe stress analysis and support design, through several optional stages depending on exactly what the user requires.  
PIPENET has been in use across the globe for over 25 years, by companies large and small, including many multinationals, in the oil and gas, process, fire protection, ship building, and power generation industries.  
PIPENET is flexible, offers a wide selection of units, user-defined pipe schedules, fittings libraries and pump characteristics.  
PIPENET is constantly being updated and enhanced, putting us at the forefront of pipework and pipeline design technology.  
SUNRISE SYSTEMS is accredited with ISO 9001.
PIPENET – Which Module do I need? 

PIPENET has three modules which work independently: 

PIPENET Transient Module is ideal for unsteady flow problems such as ‘water hammer’, ‘steam hammer’, control systems and hydraulic forces for pipe stress analysis. 
PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler Module sets the global 
standard for the design of fire protection systems 
especially in the oil, gas and process plant industries - deluge, ringmain, sprinkler or foam concentrate systems. 

PIPENET Standard Module is the perfect tool for solving general flow problems with liquids, gases or steam – in pipe and duct networks – cooling water systems, steam distribution systems, HVAC systems. 

PIPENET – What support will I get? 

PIPENET is supported by a rapid-response team based in the UK, who will talk you through any difficulties you may have. In addition, PIPENET is supported by Authorised Marketing Partners and Training Consultants across the globe. We offer a cost effective maintenance, updates and support programme which will keep you up to date, 
ensuring that you always have the latest technology 
at your fingertips. 


PIPENET – GUI Highlights 

Colours – component coded according to data/results/user-defined rules  
Bird’s eye view, unlimited undo/redo, tool tips, pan & zoom, font sizes  
Isometric/orthogonal schematic grids, automatic 
creation of ranges with multiple items  
Tabulated data with copy/paste from and to virtually any spreadsheet, global edit, sorting  
Extensive online help, online tutorials, user manuals and training manuals  
Import underlays in .dxf and .emf formats  
Copy/paste of sub-networks to rapidly build up a large system  
Extensive range of output formats including HPGL/2 for plotting 

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