Roxar Irap RMS 2009


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  • 浏览次数:444
  • 行业分类:石油化工
软件大小: 未知

Roxar Irap RMS 2009
朗盛公司的油藏描述软件包Roxar Irap RMS 2009,油田开发和油藏管理解决方案朗盛公司的软件解决方案提供创新的油田开发管理解决方案,综合了各种背景和大小的公司用户的油田生命周期,结合了很多容易上手的软件,充当顾问和技术支持。 
Irap RMS 2009集成了一个计划编制模块,这个可以让各个学科的队伍,快速有效的设计和优化产品。各种简单或者负责的项目都可以用本软件中的数据设计。
 Roxar Software Solutions 提供一套革新性的水库管理投资组合解决方案。同时综合油田生命周期管理,适合任何规模的单位使用,是一个易于使用的顾问手册。

Roxar's integrated Irap RMS Solution can help accelerate the field development planning cycle by allowing multiple disciplines to work together on a common reservoir model in parallel. The capability to build reliable reservoir models in a collaborative environment also assists in increasing the ultimate recovery.
Roxar appreciates that the biggest challenge the exploration and production industry faces is the industry wide skills shortage with maturing and more difficult to develop hydrocarbon assets.

Roxar’s Irap RMS breaks down the barriers between geoscientists and engineers, resulting in better decisions through a shared understanding of the reservoir. Integrated workflows deliver team productivity improvements whilst also capturing valuable knowledge about the reservoir.

Irap RMS is the E&P industries premier solution for integrated static and dynamic reservoir modelling. It comprises of a range of linked modules, each covering a specific stage of the complete reservoir characterization, development and production optimisation workflow.

Integrate Reservoir Knowledge

Breaking down the traditional barriers between technical domains Irap RMS enables the building of a shared earth model. This ensures that the expertise and knowledge of the full team can used to build the most accurate reservoir model for planning and decision making.

Reduce Risk and Manage Uncertainty

Irap RMS makes it easy to generate multiple scenarios for the analysis of uncertainty across both the static and dynamic reservoir model. The ability to easily quantify the risks helps optimise the field development planning process and technical decision making. This ultimately leads to an improved project return on investment.

Produce Accurate Results Quickly

With field development decisions which cost tens of millions of dollars it is critical to ensure that decisions are being made on accurate, up to date models which honour as much of the field data as possible. Irap RMS leads the industry in the integration of different data into the reservoir model. Workflow tools also ensure that models can be updated immediately when new data becomes available.


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