Invensys Simsci HexTran 9.1


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:2163
  • 行业分类:涂料橡塑
软件大小: 未知

Invensys Simsci HexTran 9.1
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Invensys Simsci HexTran 9.1 工控传热系统模拟


HEXTRAN 是一个全面的、帮助工艺工程师分析和设计各种类型传热系统的模拟工具。从夹点分析的概念设计到换热器和换热网络的设计与核算, HEXTRAN 涉及的传热设计范畴十分广泛。 HEXTRAN 由 SimSci 开发,在 9.0 版本以后完全整合了 PRO / II ? 的热力学模型和组分库,用于严格计算工艺物流,并生成准确的热力学性质和传递性质。

HEXTRAN 是帮助您获取更大利润的有力工具,如:

HEXTRAN 可让您轻松实现对设计、操作和改造复杂换热过程的各种情况进行分析和评价,或用于设计新的传热系统,最大化操作效率,以及发现潜在的问题。

作为设计工具, HEXTRAN 可帮助您设计简单的或是复杂的传热系统,使换热工艺更高效和更灵活。作为改造工具, HEXTRAN 可帮助您改进现有设备,改造换热网络,以使系统达到最优的操作性能。作为操作工具, HEXTRAN 可帮助您找出换热器清洗的最佳时机,并预测系统将来的操作性能。

HEXTRAN 的应用范围广泛,其中包括:


::::::English Description::::::

 HEXTRAN is the core heat transfer technology for all of SIM4ME. Users will instantly recognize the look-and-feel upgrades in the latest version. The GUI is Java-based, and offers a built-in HTML help system. These characteristics enable the production of standard TEMA exchanger data sheets in both HTML and Excel formats. The new GUI also offers superior post-processing displays and plots of results from network targeting, grand composite curves, and zone analysis exercises.

HEXTRAN users will find that it provides new efficiencies in all types of design and operational analysis work: individual exchanger and network designs, pinch analysis, exchanger zone analysis, split flow, area payout, and cleaning cycle optimizations.

Your Tool for Greater Profitability

Using HEXTRAN to simulate actual performance can make the difference between profit or loss. HEXTRAN helps you achieve cost effective improvements such as:
? Improved process heat-transfer, product yield, and quality
? Increased energy efficiency and significantly reduced operating costs
? Increased plant flexibility and throughput
? Optimized cleaning schedule for exchangers
? Optimal antifoulant selection and usage
? Improved process designs and revamps

The HEXTRAN process heat-transfer simulator offers all the features that enable you to easily evaluate complex design, operational, and retrofit situations. You can design new systems for maximum efficiency and also identify problems, anywhere, before they happen.

A Design Tool - HEXTRAN enables the design of both simple and complex heat-transfer systems, resulting in cost effective, flexible processes.

A Retrofit Tool - HEXTRAN allows you to retrofit existing equipment and revamp heat exchanger networks to yield optimum performance.

An Operations Tool - HEXTRAN enables the identification of cleaning incentives and the prediction of future performance.

Easy Upgrade

HEXTRAN’s Comprehensive, Robust, and Reliable Calculation Engine is Newly Modularized - Current HEXTRAN users will find all prior calculation features in the new version, including all links to third party software such as HTRI and HTFS programs.

All of the targeting, synthesis, design, rating, and optimization technologies HEXTRAN users trust are included in the latest version, along with the comprehensive thermodynamic and physical property data banks that have become industry standards. We have virtually eliminated prior limits on the number of components or pieces of equipment.

Clear Upgrade Path Brings all HEXTRAN Users Forward - The latest version will automatically convert yourprevious version’skeyword input files or GUI database files to take full advantage of the new SIM4ME environment.

New, Thin-Client Platform and Microsoft Sequel Server Offer Improved Access and Distribution Power - Our new architecture also allows for PC LAN, WAN, and stand-alone, collocated platforms supporting all security levels. This gives great flexibility in licensing and securing modules, using any of the FlexLM, ELAN, or Dallas security technologies.

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