Kintecus v3.90 (建模软件)


  • 80分
  • 浏览次数:8036
  • 行业分类:涂料橡塑
软件大小: 未知

Kintecus v3.90 (建模软件)
软件简介—SoftWare Description: Kintecus v3.90 (建模软件)

Kintecus 是一款建模软件,可以模拟化学动力学、燃烧反应的平衡、原子能、催化剂反应和酶反应等等。 Prime new features : 1) A new feature in Kintecus V3.9 is the ability to perform complex hierarchical cluster analysis on temporal concentration profiles of the network with/without experimentally obtained temporal concentration profiles. Hierarchical cluster analysis in Kintecus has the ability to group related and unrelated parts of temporal concentration profiles in a meaningful, quantitative way. This grouping allows a user to clearly see patterns that were initially indiscernible or hidden. "Why should I care about that?" Cluster Analysis can significantly help in answering questions: >> Analyze ALL species and determine which species or groups of species (or subgroups, etc.) are positively, zero or negatively correlated to each other and with other groups/species in either a pictorially or numeric output or both. This allows one to answer questions such as: >> What concentrations of E and S cause EIS to positively (or negatively or zero) correlate with EI ? or with ES? Or both? etc. For combustion, you can now finally answer that question that has been bugging you since you were seven years old: If I combinatorially scan H2, O2 and temperature over a wide range, do the O and OH radicals always positively correlate and also positively correlate (or negatively or zero) correlate with other species? >> Determine which species in ones experimentally determined concentration profile are positively, zero or negatively correlated with all the modeled species temporal profiles. Again, this can be grouped into a pictorially or numeric output. >> Which species’ concentration profiles tend to stay in the same range of concentration values? >> There are other questions one can answer utilizing the myriad of cluster techniques Kintecus provides that the author has not fully examined…

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